This project seeks to bring smiles to the faces of children. The first task of this project was the one child one toy project (TOCOT Project), which was launched in October 2015. This has set the stage for a number of child-targeted projects:

The one child one toy project (TOCOT Project)

The project seeks to provide a toy for under privileged children during festive occasions.The first in the series was in 2015 where funds were raised to purchase toys for children in orphanages in the Kumasi metropolis during the Christmas holidays. The Sisters of Charity Home at Mbrom and the King Jesus Orphanage at Boadi benefited from this project

The one child one bag project (TOCOB)

This project seeks to provide all first-time school children in deprived communities with a school bag for carrying all their study materials. The target is to reach 500 school children each year. An average school bag costs approximately USD 15.00

The one child one playdeck project (TOCOP)

At the beginning of every school year, school children in rural communities walk to school bare footed. These children are at the mercy of rough, dusty, and sometimes muddy roads due to the elements of the weather.


A donation to this cause will bring little comfort to children living in these conditions.

The average cost of a pair of playdeck sandals costs approximately USD 15.00